Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Good Nutrition and Proper Diet - What is It?

It is a well-known and widely understood fact that nutrition and proper diet are essential to a healthy lifestyle. Nutrition and proper diet are also important because they can stop or slow the progression of many diseases.


Good nutrition and proper diet are needed most to help the body recover and cope the stresses of day-to-day living. You must always keep in mind that the body is like a sponge and it absorbs whatever you put into it.

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for the body. It is widely believed that the best forms are complex carbohydrates. These complex carbohydrates (aka carbs) are important to supply energy for your body and most will come from complex sources. Some good examples of complex carbohydrates include grains such as oatmeal, rice, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, kidney beans, eggplant, lentils, onions, and tomatoes. These are foods that are high in carbohydrates.

Simple carbohydrates are more refined, are usually found in foods with fewer nutrients, and tend to be less satisfying and more fattening. Ideally the suggested best ratio of protein, carbohydrate and fat would be 2:2:1.

Another very important nutrition factor in a good diet is water consumption. You should be drinking water several times daily, especially when exercising or doing any strenuous activity. This will help replenish the water you body loses when sweating.

Experts say that people who are overly particular about diet and nutrition have a greater tendency of believing that their food choices are healthier than they actually are.

It should be noted that fruits contain simple sugars like fructose, which needs no digesting and can therefore enter the blood stream quickly like glucose or sucrose. Fruit should be limited as the sugar is too easily digested. If sugar cravings are a problem a piece of fruit is a better choice than other forms of sugar.

These are just a few thoughts on the importance of good diet and nutrition.

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