Tuesday, June 14, 2016

The Effectiveness of Bodyweight Exercises For Fat Loss

Expensive equipment is not necessary to lose weight or get a good workout. Bodyweight training is simple, effective, and easy on your wallet. You can build incredible strength using nothing more than the weight of your own body.

Bodyweight Exercises

Bodyweight training can be accomplished by anyone regardless of experience level, age, or starting weight. A typical training regimen includes a daily workout of about twenty minutes right in your own home. You do not need any weights, benches or exercise equipment; just your own body, a little time, and commitment.

Weights can be combined with bodyweight training, if you wish, but they are not necessary. In fact, many people drop the weights all together once they realize how effective bodyweight training can be. Strength and tone do not have to be earned at the expense of your hard-earned money.

Push-ups, pull-ups, jumps, leaps, squats, lunges, and planks are all effective bodyweight training exercises that can improve your strength and stamina. These exercises also improve your ability to move through space, without focusing on any extremes. They will help you become stronger in all areas, faster and give you higher endurance for physical activities.

Bodyweight training is not only less expensive than traditional methods, it is also more effective. For example, push-ups and pull-ups work out a greater amount of muscle tissue than a bench press or lat pull-down. These exercises also more closely resemble actions we would perform in daily life.

You will burn more calories and activate more of your muscles through bodyweight training than you would if you were using expensive exercise equipment. In this case, more is definitely less. Short and intense training sessions performed at home can get you in shape quickly, without expending unneeded money or effort.

Bodyweight training targets multiple muscle groups at once, which builds muscle and a functional body. Exercise equipment and machines tend to focus on one group of muscles at a time. They take longer to create the same results you will get from simple, no-fuss bodyweight exercises.

Many athletes today, such as gymnasts, incorporate bodyweight exercises into their own training. This is because they have realized the power of using their own bodyweight to burn fat and increase strength. It can be a challenge to become accustomed to this type of exercise but it is well worth the effort. Have you ever wanted the toned, muscular body of a gymnast?

The best part of bodyweight training, aside from the financial relief, is the ability to slowly progress as you see fit. Many people misunderstand progression when it comes to bodyweight exercises. You cannot simply add more weights. Instead, you will have to increase repetitions, decrease resting time, and add new exercises. If this is done slowly, with each workout you will become stronger and your stamina will increase.

The trick is to find a balance. Do not overwhelm yourself with too many exercises or repetitions at first. Once you have mastered the basics, move on to more advanced actions. Soon you will be an advocate for bodyweight training too, as it tones and sculpts your body without expensive and unnecessary equipment.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Shelly_Wyatt/41303